Wednesday 7 September 2011


Well the bike is still in the shed, haven't gone as far as getting that out yet, but I have walked down to the village this week.  It's been a bit of a mixed time since last posting.  Everyone has been telling me I look so well and I have such a good colour these days which is great to hear, but at the same time I have had mouth ulcers and cold sores and spots and my hair continues to fall out!  Despite all this I DO feel better than I have for two years.  Very strange.  I know that my cranial osteopath will probably say that this is a sign of infection trying to leave my body, I hope that's the case.
Sadly, my heart rate now seems to be responding to the fact that I've cut down my betablocker medication and my heart rate now seems to spend alot of time at around the 100 bpm mark.  This didn't start until about three weeks after I'd reduced my medication so I had thought all was going well and there wasn't going to be a reaction.  So, my plan to reduce the medication again at the start of September was put on hold.  I'm going to wait a little longer and see if it settles back down.
This week I heard from a friend who has CFS.  She has been so well for years and was back to doing things like exercise classes at her local gym.  I always took much encouragement from this as she had been so bad at the start of her illness, far worse than I, so it was very motivational to see her doing so well.  Unfortunately she has had a relapse over the summer and been unwell for about 8 weeks.  This shocked me.  She seems to have taken it in her stride and says when this happens these days she knows she will get back to her previous activity levels again.
On a positive note I went along to a lunch time meditation session today, just for half an hour, but it was very interesting.   It was a small group, but a real mixture of people.  I'm not sure I will go again, but I'm  glad I've gone just to see what they get up to.  It sort of illustrated to me that actually my meditation is going along okay just as it is, me and my ipod 

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